Prior to Installation:
These instructions are purely intended to be a guide for a typical playground
installation and could change depending on the type of equipment used, soil and
climate conditions, or other special circumstance. Please contact your authorized
Kid's Karpet Sales Representative with any questions or concerns.
Please note: material may freeze in winter which will effect the impact criteria.
Playgrounds should not be used when the material is frozen.
Consumer Product Safety Commission and ASTM approved fall perimeters:
A fall perimeter of at least six (6) feet must surround all equipment with the exception of swings and slides.
A fall perimeter equal to two (2) times the height of the swing's top rail is needed in front of and behind all swings.
A fall perimeter equal to the height of the slide plus 4 feet, extending to a minimum of 6 feet, is needed in front of all slide exits.
Suggestions for Installation
Excavate the playground area using the guidelines stated above for applicable equipment. The recommended 12" Kid's Karpet and 3"-6" drainage usage requires a 13 "-16" deep excavation with a slight grade for drainage. Any roots, stones, and vegetation must be removed.
Install all playground equipment per the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions.
Install the applicable Geotextile fabric to the base of the area and fill in with 3"-6" of drain stone. The amount will be dependent on climate and amount of anticipated precipitation.
Install an additional layer of Geotextile fabric over the drain stone then fill in the recommended amount of Kid's Karpet material. Kid's Kushion Playground mats should be used in high impact areas such as under swing sets and the base of slides to prevent wear and pitting to the surface.
Kid's Karpet material should be applied 3"-5" over the recommended amount to allow for compaction. The material will settle to the proper level after a few days.
Install retaining border is needed or desired.
All areas should be raked at regular intervals to insure the recommended depths are maintained. Special attention should be placed on high impact areas such as underneath swings and slides. Frequent visual inspections should be done to remove any foreign objects such as trash, stones, and glass.
Studies show that most playgrounds will require top dressing of additional material every two (2) or three (3) years. This could be more in higher use playgrounds. This additional material is available through our distributor network.
*Please note:
Your qualified Kids Karpet® Rep can provide you with the Geotextile Fabric needed for your installation.
Proper maintenance is vital to the performance and longevity of Kids Karpet®. To ensure safety on your playground we recommend the following guidelines for maintaining the Kids Karpet® on your playground:
High-traffic Use Zones:
High-traffic areas, such as beneath the swings and slide exits, should be frequently raked to maintain the proper level depth as determined by ASTM F1487. Also be sure to remove any foreign objects from this surface area such as rocks, glass, debris and litter. Concentrating on keeping these areas clean and at the proper surface level will greatly reduce the risk of injury on your playground.
Annual Maintenance and Top-Offs:
In addition to the high-traffic areas you will need to ensure that all Kids Karpet® surfaced areas of your playground are raked level and are free of debris. Depending on your particular climate you will need to determine how often you should refresh the Kids Karpet® to maintain our recommended 12” depth. On average this will occur every two to three years. At this time you will only need to add new Kids Karpet® to the existing surfacing to replenish the material that has been lost due to wear-and-tear and environmental conditions. You may contact a Kids Karpet® representative at any time to help you determine how much material you will need and to make delivery arrangements at 800-2-GARICK.
Drainage and Inclement Weather:
Drainage is extremely important to the long-term performance of Kids Karpet®. Consult a Landscape Architect, Engineer or qualified contractor for information on how to achieve proper drainage on your site and beneath the Kids Karpet® surfacing. Geotextile fabric is required as a separation layer between the Kids Karpet® and the free-draining subsurface.
If the Kids Karpet® becomes completely submerged in water due to excessive rain or flooding, or if it freezes in winter weather be sure to keep all children off of the playground during those times. These conditions affect the total performance of the Kids Karpet®. A fall to the surface during that time could result in a very serious injury.